29 March 2008

do you want an extra dog with that?

so yesterday we went to get casey some food, and our friend that owns the pet shop asked if we found another dog yet. and we said no, it's gotta be the perfect dog. she said she had one she was looking to find a home for and brought her out, and like a rabbit from a hat, it was exactly what i imagined would be the perfect sister for casey!

so, it's 6:30 on my day off to sleep in, and i am on the computer after taking the dogs out to go do their business, which, she has been kind enough to only do outside so far!

this photo is of casey and his new (foster) sister, zelda. and this was right before he growled at her to say, "sister, that's a little too close to my back, step off."
and she did! and that was the only growl our grouchy old man of a son has offered.

that makes me feel all warm and gooey.

21 March 2008

um, duh?

ok, i admit it. i watch tlc's a baby story as often as i can. i like to see how women react to pregnancy and child birth. it's totally fascinating.

but my one problem with EVERY child delivery room nurse, is their dialogue. now, i'm not sure if it's part of their intensive nurse training, or if it's just a fun thing they like to do because it's just *so* helpful and insightful to these mothers who are in labor.

imagine you are in labor, you've been pregnant for 9 months, and you are ready to kick this baby out to go live in it's own apartment now. you're feet are up and your contractions come and your natural instinct tells you to push. so you push. with all your might. until your face turns red and you are exhausted. you take a breath, start over, and the nurse proceeds to tell you, "pushpushpushpushpushpushpushpush." i believe i would like to stop pushing, look at this astute and wise nurse and, "what the hell do you think i am doing?"

dear nurses, please think of something better and more motivational than that. i beg you.

on an entirely different note, john and i watch jeopardy at night while we eat dinner usually (hot pockets and alex trebeck! how can one go wrong?) and while john is ridiculously good at jeopardy and trivia and things that i am not good at, i watch it and enjoy yelling out answers that are neither correct, nor make sense in most cases.

last night the column had something to do with "cy" being a pun, maybe "cy" of relief or the likes of that. i can't even remember what the question was, or the real answer for that matter, but he was looking for the name of a country that had "cy" in it's name, and just to illustrate how *i* play jeopardy, i shouted out my answer before john could give the correct answer, and that was "CYBORGLAND!"
the game isn't as much about me ruining it for john; really i just like to be involved.

needless to say, i was very pleased with myself. especially when he almost choked on his hot pocket laughing at my answer.

w00t, cyborgland.

13 March 2008

how cute is she??

i am *so* stoked to have been selected to prepare an feature of a fellow member of the etsy street team i belong to, the etsy trade-a-holics .

everyone, meet kristen! kristen, meet everyone! this creative cat is a 25 year old who resides in chicago awith her husband and her 2 frogs - all of which are named chips. i am definitely going to have to do some work to learn more about this! they also have welcomed to their family a dutch rabbit who is currently without name, but they kindly refer to as "chips angel mindfreak". people who love pets totally rock by my standards!

she, like many of us in the land of etsy, has a 9-5 job to pay the bills, and crafts to keep her heart happy (though her 9-5 is manager of a rockin' restaurant, so that doesn't sound too bad at all!)

she is totally passionate about her beautiful beadwork,
and has recently become obessesed with gotten into knitting, crocheting and quilting.

all items in her shop are handmade by kristen and most jewelry is absolutely ONE OF A KIND! she is happy to entertain your ideas for custom jewelry orders, so just convo her - look at those kind eyes just beckoning you to chat with her!

be sure to check her out here and read her blog here!

buy handmade!

12 March 2008

let's do the time warp again

when i was a kid i hated the time change. you mean i have to get up a whole HOUR earlier to go to SCHOOL? sick. but as a kid you don't realize that kid time, while slow paced and neverending, does end when you morph into a grown up, at which point, time ceases to slow down. ever.

this year, i am actually *excited* for this time change. as i was driving home from work on monday it felt like i-can-actually-go-do-stuff-after-work instead of it's-5pm-and-dark-so-i-guess-i-better-head-home-and-get-ready-for-bed.

time change, it's good to finally be friends!

07 March 2008

good morning, friday

i have every other friday off work. while today is not my day off, i still love a good friday.

every morning, i wake up at 6:30, earlier than i need to, so that i can read people's blogs. it's like eating candy at 6:30 in the morning. i get so inspired by what people write about and what they are doing in their lives, that it gives me a good jump start and a positive attitude to start the day.

i love stumbling upon new blogs. in fact, i may have to start devoting some time to the internet when i get home from work, too, so that i can read all the blogs that i want to read!

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