30 December 2013
01 October 2013
Horseshoe Market!
I'm working my little fingers to the bone in my studio preparing for the fall Horseshoe Market. I'm super excited to be back in the craft market circuit after a tiny hiatus to have some babies. My studio currently looks like a mentally deranged crafter has taken up residence here; lots of scraps and way too many projects going at once, lots of swear words on paper. I love it. I love my space. See you Saturday!
Posted by Unknown at 2:15 PM 0 comments
28 June 2009
where in the world is carmen san diego?
I think I maybe forgot I have a blog? I've been so incredibly busy that that sounds like a logical excuse, it's just still so lame of an excuse.
Hoping to make some big comeback one'a these days. We'll see, right?
Posted by Unknown at 3:03 PM 2 comments
08 May 2009
come check out my sale!
Etsy Buy Handmade presentsforpirates |
buy two sets of stationery, get the third set of equal or lesser value free! holla!
shop to your heart's content throughout the merry month of may!
Posted by Unknown at 5:33 PM 0 comments
26 April 2009
KnitsYoursKnotMine was awesome enough to include me in this treasury, hangin' with my gnomies!

thanks, sabrina! you rock my socks!
Posted by Unknown at 3:17 PM 0 comments
12 March 2009
yo ho, yo ho
rachel was kind enough to feature my treasure map note cards with some other piratical listings on her blog, in honor of her son learning to say the word "pirate"! three cheers for daniel!
Posted by Unknown at 4:50 PM 5 comments
10 March 2009
dear x
dear manufacturers of 12x12 paper,
please cease and desist manufacturing paper. i have enough already and am not strong enough to resist the temptation of buying more. i need to use all the beauties that i already have, so back off.
dear paper handling clerks at michaels, jo-anns, hobby lobby, etc.,
please do not manhandle my individual pieces of paper like you are wrangling an alligator to it's death. they are sweet, innocent, defenseless pieces of paper who i'm certain mean you no harm. be kind. be gentle. put on your white gloves before you touch my paper and give me a nervous breakdown.
dear joann.com,
please find my two orders that i placed online THREE WEEKS AGO. what? seriously. whatever weird way you shipped them, no one can find them. i wish i'd known it would take this long, so i could have built my own machinery from scraps to manufacture my very own products that i tried to buy from you.
dear my homemade chocolate chip cookies,
please stop tempting me to eat two of you every day.
dear soon-to-be-born my goddaughter baby mckenna,
i cannot wait to meet you and dress you up in skull and crossbones gear and and black tutus. it will be just lovely.
Posted by Unknown at 9:37 PM 3 comments